Sight for Success

In 2019 the Sight for Success Program was a vision of the executive director and board of Chautauqua Blind Association. The program was created to guarantee that children who do not pass a vision screening by CBA and who come from a low income household can access comprehensive vision services through an eye care professional. The primary goal of the program is to make sure all children, aged six months through six years, are screened to detect any possible vision issues and have equal access to needed medical services. To date, 44 exams and eyeglasses have been provided to people in our community.
Families who need financial assistance for children who were screened and referred by CBA, can complete an application to cover up to $225 towards an exam and/or glasses through CBA’s “Dr. Tim Grace Sight for Success Program.” The program was named after Dr. Grace in 2020. He shared in the mission of CBA and believed that everyone deserved an opportunity to see the world through better vision.