• Vision Screening Program

    In 2019 4,096 children were screened at 97 locations. 617 were referred for further exams and/or glasses.

    CBA’s Vision Screening Program is a FREE Vision Screening provided in public and private schools in Chautauqua and Cattaraugus Counties. Our goal is to identify young children who may have a vision problem. When our screening indicates that a child needs a comprehensive eye exam, a referral letter is sent home with the child. Their eye care provider will determine if the child needs glasses (possibly new glasses), needs to be re-examined at a later date or they find no indication there is a vision concern. The goal of the program is early identification and treatment of children with a condition called amblyopia or commonly known as “lazy eye”. If diagnosed and treated, it can save the child’s sight. If left untreated, this condition can result in serious eye-sight problems up to and including blindness.

    Early vision screening before a child learns to read and write, along with eye safety educational information is a great beginning to a lifetime of healthy vision. The goal is to detect and have eye conditions diagnosed and treated early. Talk to your eye care specialist or pediatrician for more information and follow their recommendations for your child.

    For more information call 716-664-6660

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    Tel: 716-664-6660 / 1-844-471-1852 | Fax: 716-664-1193

    510 W. Fifth St. | Jamestown, NY 14701

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